What is bodyKinnect?

Body‘ is extracted from the term bodywork and ‘kinnect‘ is a combination of two words; Kinetic meaning movement of forces and energy in the body and Connect which means to join two things or transfering one thing to another.  Therefore bodyKinnect is the movement, communication, and transference of energy one from one level to the next through muscle manipulation or body work.

BodyKinect is a platform designed to educate individuals on basic parameters of body movements, basic musculature systems of the body,  how to address or avoid those chronic muscle aches and pains, basic anatomical reviews (parts of the body), physiological processes (body functions), relaxation techniques for certain pathologies (diseases), and how we can integrate Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils- dōTERRA into our bodywork.

My mantra isBodywork session will strengthen vibrational energy as mind and body communicate and integrate.Effective bodywork provides a sense of balance in energy flows within the meridians and circulatory systems of the body. This helps to decrease tension, increase relaxation and brings calmness to the mind.  When the body is in this state of balance it does what it is magnificently mechanically programed to do, it drives itself to heal.

An MT’s Journey!

It has been an exhilarating 4 months diving in and getting fully submerged in this world of Massage Therapy.  I knew that I had a good sense of touch and facilitating healing having been exposed to essential oils and learning the Aroma touch Technique but I had no idea that there were so many other modalities under the umbrella of MT that I had yet to discover.  My training started off in the eastern segment.  I began training in shiatsu, Thai, Acupressure, Energy work, Hand and Foot Reflexology, and Myofascial Therapy. The western segment begins in approximately a week from today and this will include training in sweedish, deep tissue, myofascial therapy, spa, body wrap, and sports therapy.

Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights the way.

Why Massage?

I wanted to do more with dōTERRA Essential Oils. I truly believed in the therapeutic benefits and mission of dōTERRA to get these oils into every home on this planet.  I shared many experiences (vocally) with these oils but it wasnt until I left them with an experience through the aromatouch technique (like a massage) was when I trippled my sales in a matter of weeks.  My convictions were confirmed of how effective these oils were and that the body was very accepting of something of a similar nature and structure.

Fast forward a year later I hit a plateau, most likely burned out but felt I needed a skillset to add to my tool box and gain a little more credibility.  The process of getting into National Holistic Institute was too smooth it almost seemed like that path had long awaited me.  I want to help facilitate healing in people.  I was not too keen in how our system of healthcare is pharmaceutical drug driven. Im not against the traditional health system by any means but I believe that answers to some ailments can be non evasive and be approached naturally hence my decision to take this path to certify in bodywork.